Sunday, April 28, 2013

Late April is here, and spring has sprung. 

In typical Michigan fashion, it snowed last weekend. This week, though, has been warm, rainy--and green! Loren and I went flower shopping at the farmer's market yesterday morning and bought trays full of pretty yellow pansies for our front bed. Finally, after a long, hard winter, I was able to happily dig in the dirt. 

After sweating out unusually high temperatures last summer as we waited several weeks in July for back-ordered parts for our air conditioning system, our boiler died unexpectedly this winter during a stretch of near-zero temperatures with wind chills in the negative teens. We are loving this beautiful, cool/not cold spring weather!

We made a Home Depot run this afternoon and bought white fencing material for the garden, as this summer we'll have more than rabbits to keep out. Brady and his best buddy from down the street, Meemo, had fun playing in our muddy backyard and tried to "help" as I staked out the garden spot for this summer.

Brady uprooted an old tomato plant from last year (i.e. giant stick), and Meemo decided to join in the fun so he could have it, too. Brady wasn't keen to give it up.

Brady, a tired and happy pup...even after having been toweled down and dried off after Meemo headed home. Brady and Meemo love mud!

On another note, we celebrated closing on our house one year ago on March 29th!