Thursday, May 30, 2013

Digging in the Dirt...Lots of It

Last year we moved into our new house and spent much of the summer scraping, painting, unpacking, and working with many contractors. This year we can focus our home improvement on the outside! 

We waited a full year to finally obtain our compost bin, which we can use to leave yard waste out with the trash. The delivery fee was a strong deterrent...but we finally we made good use of the Camry, which never ceases to amaze me in all it can do. 

With this new purchase from the City of Ann Arbor, we have started digging efforts. Our vet told us when we brought Brady home that lilies are toxic for dogs--especially those pups who eat everything--and so we have been putting our all into removing the well-established and widespread lilies that have run rampant in our backyard. Brady likes to keep on eye on things while we're working hard.

Last weekend we also began digging for our back patio. Julie came over and was a huge help.

In order to lay the base of the patio, we'll need to dig down nine inches and create the appropriate grade so that rainwater will run off of it. Then we'll need several cubic yards of gravel and sand delivered, in addition to the pavers or bricks...this will be a multi-weekend project. More photos soon to come!